we are nuclear disarmament youth

Youth Fusion is a world-wide networking platform for young individuals and organizations in the field of nuclear disarmament, risk-reduction and non-proliferation. We focus on youth action and intergenerational dialogue, building on the links between disarmament, peace, climate action, sustainable development and building back better from the pandemic. Our goals are clear: to inform, educate, connect and engage our fellow students, activists and enthusiasts. Through these activities, and as part of Abolition 2000 Network, we are contributing to the total abolition of nuclear weapons. 

What's new?

Press Releases

Good bye (at least for now)

After wonderful (truly, we mean it!) three years of activity, we – Marzhan, Vanda, Michaela, and Nico – Youth Fusion’s core team, have decided to suspend Youth Fusion’s activities.

Read more blog articles, watch webinars and listen to our podcast

Join the network

Join Youth Fusion network as a member, supporter or organisation.

Featured projects

Youth Hotline

Welcome to Youth Hotline – Youth Fusion’s very first educational/networking campaign. However connected the world may seem, we cannot but notice a frightening trend – the erosion of trust and disappearance of common spaces for the Russian, American, as well as European disarmament advocates, especially among the young people.


Nuclear Stories is a new and innovative educational platform about the risks and human impact of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. It is developed by Docmine, a Swiss-based creative studio.

Voices Gorbachev/Shultz Legacy Youth Award

Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons selects Youth Fusion, of Abolition 2000 as the winner of the Voices Gorbachev/Shultz Legacy Youth Award for 2022.