Launch of Youth Fusion: new platform and youth actions for nuclear abolition

Youth around the world are standing up for peace and nuclear disarmament, and taking action in innovative ways that are making a difference. The Youth Working Group of Abolition 2000 global network to eliminate nuclear weapons builds cooperation amongst these youth actions, brings youth voices into key UN and other disarmament processes, and facilitates inter-generational dialogue to turn youth energy and vision into effective policy action.

We invite youth, and the not-so-young, to join the Abolition 2000 youth working group as they launch Youth Fusion – the new online platform and youth action plan for a nuclear-weapons-free world.

Youth from around the world participate in the Youth Voices for peace, climate and nuclear disarmament video project

About Youth Fusion

Youth Fusion provides a wide a range of resources, initiatives and actions for youth from all corners of the globe and from all walks of life – whether they are students, academics, parliamentarians, young professionals, youth activists or or merely youth interested in nuclear disarmament.

Youth Fusion also brings together youth working on nuclear disarmament with those working on peace, climate, disarmament of other weapons, human rights, justice, sustainable development and building back better from the pandemic. 

And Youth Fusion organises forums and events for inter-generational dialogue, so that youth and those more experienced can listen and learn from each other and build cooperation for more effective policy action.

Participants of Abolition 2000 Youth conference in Prague practice with the #3DNukeMissile before taking it out into public space in Prague.

Youth Fusion launch events

Youth Fusion will be launched in conjunction with UN Human Rights Day in two exciting sessions;

Session 1: Timed to suit participation by youth and the not-so-young from Asia and the Pacific.
Thursday December 10. 8am Central Europe Time (10 am Moscow, 1pm Dhaka, 4pm Tokyo/Seoul, 7pm Suva)
Nuriya Azamatova (Kazakhstan). Organizer & Ambassador, Youth Peace Week Kazakhstan.
Solomon Yeo (Solomon Islands). Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change, World’s Youth for Climate Justice
Divina Maloum (Cameroon). Founder of Children for Peace. Co-winner (with Greta Thunberg) of the 2019 International Children’s Peace Prize
Karlo Jayson M. Abila (Philippines). President & CEO of the Global Institute for Youth Development
More speakers to be confirmed
Further information is posted on the Session 1 event facebook page. Click here to register.

Session 2: Timed to suit participation by youth and the not-so-young from the Americas, Europe and Africa.
Friday December 11. 11:30 Eastern time USA/Canada. (5:30pm CET)
Cristopher Cruz (USA). Founder, Nuclear-Free Schools
Vanessa Lanteigne (Canada). National Coordinator at Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Honorable Mention, UN #75Words4Disarmament Youth Challenge
Eric Mbotiji (Cameroon). Chair, United Nations Youth Association Network
Ariana Smith (USA). Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy
Niamh Healy (UK). President, Student and Youth Pugwash UK
Further information is posted on the Session 2 event facebook page. Click here to register.