On the 26th of April, in honour of the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, Docmine and Youth Fusion held a live event, in Zurich and online, to officially launch our Nuclear Stories project.

The Docmine and the Youth Fusion teams met in Zurich to share Nuclear Stories with our audience. During the event, we screened three of the stories: 1. ‘Suffering in Silence’ from Chernobyl; 2. ‘Digging for Broken Promises’ in Niger; and 3. ‘Paradise Lost’ from the Bikini Atoll.

The event also had two experts on our panel. Alyn Ware, PNND’s Global Coordinator and Tariq Rauf, a former employee of the IAEA. Ware and Rauf spoke on nuclear energy, and had a fruitful discussion on some of its pros and cons.
Nuclear Stories is open to all, so if you want to use our platform to share your nuclear story, get in touch! Send an email to us here.
If you weren’t able to watch the event live, you can watch it online, still!
And Remember to Follow our Social Media Campaign!