Youth Fusion Elders Series: in conversation with Ana María Cetto

New month, new episode! Happy to present the third episode in the Youth Fusion Elders series, where we engage the long-time and effective leaders of the peace, disarmament and related fields, in a dialogue across generations, topics and disciplines. Through creating a conversation between active youths and their inspiring predecessors, we wish to open up an inclusive space for learning, listening and, above all, sharing.

In this episode, Youth Fusion Member Michaela Sørensen had the pleasure to sit down with Prof. Ana María Cetto, distinguished physicist, Pugwashite and long-time champion of women and Latin American voices in science and technology. Michaela got to pick Ms Cetto’s brain on the motivations and drives animating her long and highly dynamic career and learn what it was like to receive not one, but two Nobel Peace Prizes. The episode also touches on the challenges facing women in science and the importance of fostering North-South learning, sharing and trust in academia and beyond.

Michaela Sørensen (Denmark/South Africa) interviewing Ana María Cetto (Mexico), for the Youth Fusion Elders Series.

This episode is available on SpotifyGoogle Podcast, and a number of other platforms. For a reading summary of the interview go to the blog article here, and visit the project webpage to learn more about our Elders initiative.